Thursday, November 06, 2008

Do They Look Alike?

Pumbaa versus Walrus

Monday, November 03, 2008

A Post Inspired By Nicki

If Unagi have Testicles
Opps.. I mean Tentacles

They will just be extra tasty...!

Would you eat it?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Miss Japanese Food

So I went for some...

Salmon with Fish Roe 

Baby Octopus!! *Nicki: thanks! I termixed

Salmon Sashimi - melts in your mouth. This is so different from the usual buffet sashimi. Duh! Still, nothing compares so japanese sashimi. The usual servings in their buffet is the same as our KL's ala cart's quality... I can't imagine the superb ala cart version in Japan will taste like..!!

These nice looking sushi dishes are.... already in my tummy. 
If you wanna have some, you can head over to Mid Valley Garden... Sushi Zanmai. 

It's slightly more expensive compared to sushi king, but once it entered your mouth, you'll understand why it's actually worthwhile. 

There're a lot of other blogs that have given really good reviews on this restaurant, so I won't give it any more free ads!!

Let's talk about Salmon....
I had the opportunity to visit one of the smaller Salmon breeding farm during my trip to Japan and my tour guide was explaining to us why Japanese salmons taste different compared to Malaysia's.

It's not that they are of lower quality or not as fresh... but simply because...
They are NOT from Japan.
Malaysia import Salmons from Western countries!!! 
And all the while I thought we are eating salmon from Japan... *kena cheated*

Poor Salmon... literally live to be eaten ... 

"Mummy, I'm going to be a Sashimi when I grow up!"

*MUAHAHA... you never had the chance to grow up* 

Friday, October 10, 2008

It's Done!!!

After hours of editting... hungry midnights..

It's Done!!!

Enjoy the new HSG Theme Song 4th Quarter 2008

Theme: In Christ, My Reward
Song by: Leona Lewis, Footprints in the sand

Cute Video!

Found this super cute video on youtube... 
It's actually a present from the producers to their friend who is getting married!
MUST WATCH if you wanna get that cosy feeling!!

who is getting married next?

Heart warming right?
Such a beautiful concept.. might use it one day.. some day.. lol

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Having Fun with Photoshop

Anyone can photoshop now!!!

Learning photoshop has never been so easy! Thanks to internet, there's plenty source of resources!!

Good tutorials - this is one of my favourite links to learn photoshop stuff.

If you want to learn a certain effect, just type in the effect in the search box and be on your way to increase ur photoshop knowledge.

I was in in one of those moods in experimenting something new to learn, so I started browsing through... and aha.... I found this.

This is what I learnt today through this tutorial:

1. How to make 3D image.

2. Finally used the dodge and burn tool!!

3. How to place nice "grafitti" on text.

And it ain't hard!!!
Well, the toughest part is getting the "burn and dodge tool". 

I ter-burnt the second O.... reminds me of burnt mashmallow, yum yum

*Mine looked so amateur compared to the pro

You can learnt this through HERE!
LOLz.. see if yours turn out better than mine

I decided to put my new knowledge to use... 
Tata.....My Version of 3dness

Shishi in the jungle

Can one ever learn everything about photoshop?

(P/s: Please place your comments here instead of the chatbox. Let's keep chatbox for other random stuff. Thank you!)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Church in Today's Turbulent Times

There's a very interesting event coming up in HSG this October.

An extra-ordinary speaker whom we have been trying to get for a long time, will be sharing her wealth of knowledge with us for 3 special days. Being rather "sotong", I didn't realise who she was initially...*paiseh*... but when I reliase who she was, my reaction was ......

"We have a BIG shot coming to HSG! "
If you guys have heard about Trinity Christian Center (the mega church in Singapore) and pretty amazed by its accomplishment I'm pretty sure you will be excited to meet her in person.

Pastor Dominic Yeo, Trinity Christian Center's current senior pastor, came to HSG for a few times as our conference speaker. And this year, he presented some of the most remarkable message that totally transformed my prospective things.

He's good, and I'm not bragging....

Who is Naomi Dowdy?
She's definetly the sifu!!!! 
She is one of the founder of trinity christian center, and grew the church from hundreds to thousands!!
Don't play play. 

Well, if you think of changing your life this Raya season... You simply have to be there! 
I'm sure you guys are available because you won't be balik-kampunging.

Event Details:

Topic: The Church in Today's Turbulent Times
*a very interesting topic. Find out what does God say about the church at this crucial period!

3rd Oct (Fri) 8:30pm
4th Oct (Sat) 7:30pm
5th Oct (Sun) 1oam

Topid: Breaking the barrier of growth
Ever wonder how a mega church is birthed? Find out in this Session
4th Oct (Sat) 3-5pm

Watch the video promo at

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sweet Bean - Heavenly Tong Sui

There is this particular place that I discovered since mamaking near Saujana school and it's probably contributing to my weight gain.. lalala, price to pay for good food! worth it!

It sells nice tong sui for a reasonable price. I have a sweet tooth, so it's natural for me to like this place. And of course, there are some good points that make it a super nice shop to hang out - cozy ambience and wifi.  

However, the shop is close every Monday and super crowded on weekends!!
Couldn't be there on my day off, or else, I will be there for hours!!! 
Thank God, or else, I'll end up pokai and fatter!

Some pictures to "inspire" your appetite.

Don't know the actual name, but it's really good.
The red color thingies are sago alike, chewie and refreshing.
There's milk in the ice and when combined, it does produce a new favour.

Century Egg. They do take some effort in the deco.
But it's as good as how it looks like.

And this... Cheesebake rice is superb! Mama-mia
It has some different herbish favour that sets it apart from others.
The usual cheesebake rice are usually just cheesy!
Wonder what kinda herbs they put in..?

Probably another thing I like about this shop how they serve the food - fast and hot.
The smell of food practically filled the air (during peak hours).. and you can see some customers nosing on what other people are eating. Well, I'm guilty of that too.

Posting food makes me hungry... 

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Heart Japan

"What do you like about Japan?"

A lot of people asked me this question when I was back.

And my answer?

Some of you thought that I was joking about this...
But I wasn't!

Japanese Toilets are absolutely AWESOME!
Haha, probably I'm pretty deprived of clean and beautiful toilets in Malaysia.

Malaysian's toilets are usually icy cool and it sends a chill up your spine once you sit on the seat. But not in Japan, there's heater for the toilet seat.

State of the Art Japanese Toilet Bowl

Dig the electronic gadgets in toilet..

and no they ain't for flushing...

Now, that's what worthy to be called a throne.

Up Close
Spray! Be environmental friendly, save the trees!
Wash your butt with water instead.
I accidentally "tried out" the spray function and boy was I caught by surprise as water spray towards the toilet door.

Biget? I haven't figure out what it was for..
Was too busy with the spray.

Flushing Sound? Just as what it states, when you press the button, it sounds as if someone's flushing toilet. What izzit for?

I didn't know initially.. but I did eventually figure out what it was for.
Let you figure out lorh

Watch how they decorate the toilet bowls!
Really set the mood for you to do your business

I was just wondering whether the male's toilet look like this?
Rather odd for guys right?

Put Malaysian's toilet to shame, doesn't it?

Alright la, toilets aren't the only thing I love about Japan...

Japan is a FOOD HEAVEN!!

For your droolling purposes.
*Sorry la, it's a can see cannot eat situation

Ramen - Oishi!

Red Bean Desert

Kobe Beef - before, after (super tender)

Strawberry Cheesecake we bought from the chocolate factory.

They produce a specific number of cheesecake each day in order to preserve the quality.

Japanese have this theory- increased quantity = reduced quality.
It's quite admirable that they rather preserve quality than to earn money.

Conclusion: Japanese ain't Chinese.

Japanese Curry


Chanko Nabe

Chawanmushi !

*Lolz, enough with the torture la.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

My new home : Shifting From Xanga

*dust blog*

Originally an experiment blog , but now my new home!
Never throw away old things, you never know when it comes in handy

Gosh, so much to do just to shift in:
1. Have to redecorate the rooms so it feel cosy- design blog
2. Re-organize room space
3. Get to know new neighbours - insert blog list.
4. Design a nice sign board - banner
5. List down names for folders - labels
6. Install telephone - Add chatbox
7. Re-collect my photo album.
8. Ask for renovation recommendations - what else to add?
9. Inform everyone change of address
10. Organise house warming!!!
